Hello, nice to meet you!

AEJOBSEEKERS is an outcome of an open and free WhatsApp community group based in UAE named as UAE Job Seekers. This group grew up very quickly by supporting Job seekers in UAE without any cost benefits. In this group various contributors posts the known and available job openings in United Arab Emirates for people around us who is struggling for a Job.

The process of becoming a member of the free WhatsApp group is very simple, just click link below to join our WhatsApp Community group.


Click Above to Join Us

Be among one of us to help others and grow job community without spending a penny to get a job. Our valuable contributors just help others without expecting any returns. Just share a job opening known to you. You may be a life saver for a job seeker. If you are helping a job seeker, you are not just helping one person but whole families.


Akash IT Jobs Contributor
Pranav Engg Jobs Contributor
Nithin Support Jobs Contributor
Manu EComm Jobs Contributor
NivedhTech Jobs Contributor
Sreeyush Group Admin